Br. Doug Walsh Education Program
The Chin-Myanmar Community Care and the Angel Presence Foundation in Manila that manages the Br. Doug Education Program for disadvantaged students in Bagong Barrio share in the profits of the Kenshi Candles sales in Marist Ministries across Australia. Br. Doug’s Education Program in Bagong Barrio, Philippines enables families to break the cycle of poverty.
Every Life Changing Candle directly helps the Chin refugees from Myanmar and the Angel Presence Foundation to assist poor families.
I already have the candle/diffuser. (Dougies)
The Chin-Myanmar Community Care and the Angel Presence Foundation in Bagong Barrio,...
Deliver my order ($9.90 freight) (Dougies)
The Chin-Myanmar Community Care and the Angel Presence Foundation in Bagong Barrio,...
Support Dougies

❖ The profits are shared with the Chin refugees from Myanmar
This partnership with Kenshi creates much-needed income for the Chin refugee community in Melbourne to support family and friends still living under harsh military regime in Myanmar.
❖ FOUR CANDLES will fund a child to get education for a month
These kids are from the very poorest families and it is only with our help and through the partnership of the Angel Presence Foundation in Manila and MAPS (Marist Asia-Pacific Solidarity Fund) that we can get them off the street.
If you would like to sell the candles to raise money for Br Doug Foundation, please contact Br Doug Walsh on 0400 432 009 or
You will feel great knowing that each time you use or give away a candle, you are directly funding education for these amazing students in Manila.